FAQs on Back and Neck Pain

Back, neck and sciatic pain really is a pain! Sometimes it helps to try to have a laugh at it, or to gain some inspiration from others or just to know that you are not the only one – especially when you think – Oh God, why me !!

People who suffer from severe, chronic pain know how it can utterly disrupt one’s life. Pain can make it hard to enjoy even the simplest daily activities, and make it a challenge to carry out exercise routine and other healthy activities.

People often live a life of compromise in their activities. Many patients find that as they grow older, episodes of low back pain become more frequent, their pain worsens in intensity and it takes longer for them to recover.

Back and sciatic pain can take a real toll on the way you feel generally. People may often feel down and fed up even leading to depression if the pain is severe or it goes on for a long time.

The pathology of the spine is the reason. It could be many and different terms are used to describe lumbar disc pathology. The terms include: annular tears, bulging disc, disc protrusion, slipped disc, herniated disc, ruptured or extruded discs, disc fragment, disc degeneration, pinched nerve, sciatica etc.ging disc, disc protrusion, slipped disc, herniated disc, ruptured or extruded discs, disc fragment, disc degeneration, pinched nerve, sciatica etc.

Bulging disc

Herniated disc

Degenerative disc disease

Posterior Facet syndrome


Post-surgical patients

Spinal Stenosis

Non-specified mechanical low back or neck pain

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