Laser Therapy or "photobiomodulation", is the use of specific wavelengths of light (red and near infrared)to create theraputic effects which include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling. Laser therapy adds energy to living systems and can speed up the healing of the tissues at the cellular level.This means you can get back to living life faster.
At Vijaya ANSSI we use a unique, tried and tested protocol of combining Spine Med -Decompression, for recapturing the prolapsed disc, followed by Neurostimulation to re-establish optimal neuromuscular function and Class.IV ASA - Laser therapy to promote healing of the injured disc and para spinal tissues. This combination therapy gives fastest and optimal return to normal health and wellness..
Patented-FDA approved
MLS (Multiwave Locked System)
808nm Continous & 905nm Pulsed Laser Waves combined & synced emissions: Deep Bony Penetration & Soft tissue dual action
Strong anti inflammatory effect, No Patient sedation, Extremely Safe with No side effects, Immediate results, Promotes Healing Process, Rapid reduction in swelling, Rapid recovery of tissue intergrity, Inreased Mobility, Reduced inflammation, Manage Pain, Quick Recovery.
Single application of 3-10 minutes 10-15 Treatment Sessions Class IV Laser Therapy with Italian ASA Laser.
The MLS impulse-energy, directed by a newly designed optical system, is distributed homogenously over a wide target area activating the photoreceptors and modulates cellular metabolism and improves the supply of energy.
It generates indirect photothermal effects-in turn mechanically stress the cells favours tropism, homeostasis and cell differentiation in muscles and tissues with a mechanical function.
Favours the recovery of damaged tissue, vasodilation, increasing the ratio of oxygen and nutrients in treated area.
Moderate vasodilation favours inflamamatory process recovery from painful symptomatology.
What is laser therapy?
Is it scientific?
What's Special about MLS Laser?
How does the treatment feel?
What about side effects or other risks?
When will I feel better?
How do i get started?
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